Monday, April 21, 2008

the sad unsexy seduction of a mascara eyed rimmed girl

the blurry blotchy beast..

de la serie fotografica de mis pasos


emilia ya tenia los dedos congelados del agua y arrugados de las puntas, pero no le importaba ya que el calorde aquel martes la golpeaba en el resto de su cuerpo. ella se concentraba en las burbujas que generaba el bichito de plastico en el agua. que tedio aquel de sus existencia ante su labor. no miraba a juan carlos el cual se disponia a saludar a cada persona que pasaba de frente a ellos. los miraba les ofrecia una sonrisa y les susurraba un HOLAAA coqueto y timido. emilia queria golpearlo. sabia que era muy malo que se le ocurriera eso, eso de pegarle. por eso no lo miraba, mejor miraba al bichito, y actuaba como si estuviera interesada en las burbujas que provocaban en el agua.

homenaje a octavio paz> las palabras

Dales la vuelta,
cógelas del rabo (chillen, putas),
dales azúcar en la boca a las rejegas,
ínflalas, globos, pínchalas,
sórbeles sangre y tuétanos,
písalas, gallo galante,
tuérceles el gaznate, cocinero,
destrípalas, toro,
buey, arrástralas,
hazlas, poeta,
haz que se traguen todas sus palabras.

mi pelo lloricon maricon

when im sad I cry and my head hurts and when my head hurts i want to take a shower so that the hot water hits it and soothes it, and when i take a shower in order to recieve the soothing massage on my head, my hair dye falls out.

its like my hair cries too.
hay veces que estoy totalmente conciente de que abrir la boca no es inteligente. el decir cosas a otro no es inteligente pero normalmente cuando lo hago de todas formas, es con la esperanza de que esa otra persona me comprendera, que esa otra persona realmente entendera mi sentir y que al comprenderme me ofrecera un consuelo.

hoy hable demasiado y no recibi consuelo de ninguna persona
lo mejor es callarse, callarse aunque traiga una frustracion, y lentamente ir dejando que esa frustracion salga de mi vientre. porque es ahi donde las guardo.

tengo que aprender a sacar las frustraciones de mi vientre en silencio.que dificil es ese tipo de silencio

mi felicidad dividida en vasitos de plastico con azul

Sunday, April 20, 2008

personas confirmadas que no llegaron ( jajaj)

1. melina
2. jimmy
3. javier
4. monikeh
5. audi
6. esteban
8. caro
9. thierry
11. tufic
12. aury
13. isra

la frase tipica fue: si ahy te caemos, que te llevo? unas chelas a orale. chido.

Monday, April 14, 2008

my hair is once again red and once again asimetrical, which i usualy prefer. im in a state of complete exhaustion, when i have the opportunity to sleep i prefer not to ad become extremely productive. i cant stop the ideas from coming, the come and come like horses that have a stict path to follow swiftly in a rush. i cannot permit them from stopping yet i haev no order, no plan, no conclusion. just these ideas. they are good.

my hair is assimetric. do you spell it with one or two sssssss[s .. does it really matter? i am red. i am ready i am ready i the REM song.

ojeras, papadas y croquis freneticos

expo musica de pajaros

expo musica de pajaros,fotografia:

autor: paola de la concha zindel
arreglo musical: diego martinez lanz

donde_? pallawatch esquina de zocalo de san andres cholula,

abren de jueves a domingo..

Sunday, April 6, 2008

About Pangea DayOverviewWho's InvolvedFrequently Asked QuestionsFor FilmmakersOverview
The Pangea Day Mission & Purpose
Pangea Day is a global event bringing the world together through film.

Why? In a world where people are often divided by borders, difference, and conflict, it's easy to lose sight of what we all have in common. Pangea Day seeks to overcome that – to help people see themselves in others – through the power of film.

The Pangea Day Event
Starting at 18:00 GMT on May 10, 2008, locations in Cairo, Kigali, London, Los Angeles, Mumbai, and Rio de Janeiro will be linked via satellite for a live program of powerful films, live music, and visionary speakers. The entire program will be broadcast – in seven languages – to millions of people worldwide through the internet, television, and mobile phones.

The 24 short films to be featured have been selected from an international competition that generated more than 2,500 submissions from over one hundred countries. The films were chosen based on their ability to inspire, transform, and allow us see the world through another person's eyes. The winning films will be announced in late April.

The program will also include a number of exceptional speakers and musical performers. Queen Noor of Jordan, CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, musician/activist Bob Geldof, and Iranian rock phenom Hypernova are among those taking part.

What Will Happen After Pangea Day
People inspired by Pangea Day will have the opportunity to participate in community-building activities around the world. Through the live program, the Pangea Day web site, and self-organized local events, everyday people will be connected with extraordinary activists and organizations.

Many of the films and performances seen on Pangea Day will be made available on the Web and via mobile phone, alongside open forums for discussion and ideas for how to take social action.

A Pangea Day documentary will be created to catalyze future activities, and dozens of talented filmmakers will make strides in their careers.

In 2006, filmmaker Jehane Noujaim won the TED Prize, an annual award granted at the TED Conference. She was granted $100,000, and more important, a wish to change the world. Her wish was to create a day in which the world came together through film. Pangea Day grew out of that wish. Watch Jehane Noujaim’s 2006 acceptance speech now.

Friday, April 4, 2008

por cierto

quisiera que tuvieras un blog para leerte.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

la formula perfecta