Sunday, December 30, 2007

2008....=27 años

1.limpiar mi coche más seguido
2.terminar los tres libros qeu no he terminado :freakonimis,memorias de albert speer, manual do..
3.terminar la obra el intervalo y presentarla
4.comer mejor
5.recordarme lo guapa que soy
6.ser mas paciente con mi familia
7. ponerme crema en los senos y en los codos
8. girar mas seguido
9.amarrar la obra nueva que tnego en mente
10.decide what the fuck im going to do wiht my life
11. tranquilizarme un poco acerca de what the fuck im going to do with my life
12. consentir a mercedes
13. separar mis especies en frascos de vidrio y etiquetarlos para tenerlos a la mano
14. mantener mis amistades que estan lejos
15. luchar siempre siempre por el.
16. ahorrar mas
17. gastar mas
18. callar mas
19. ser mas franca
20. saber con quien ser franca
21. tener mas sexo
22. comprar mi camara
23. entrar a mas concursos
24. guardar mas tiempo para mi soledad
25. guardar mas tiempo para mi abuela.
27 besarte con mas cuidado
28 dejar de tner tanto puto miedo de todo.
26. hacer pan por lo menos una vez al mes

tic toc

mi esencia n(o)mada en realidad la delimit(e) yo, yo creo firmemente en hacerse. hacerse lo que quieras ser. o como dir(i)an las ñoras, "UNO" debe ser como "UNO" quiere... y ent(o)nces decido ser n(o)mada.

decido ser n(o)mada.

mais pourquoi? parce que... quiero ser libre, las ataduras a un lugar delimitan. quiero evitar d(i)as como este en el cual, a "UNO" (ahora reemplazar(e) esto por el "1") se le ocurre a d(o)nde ir mas que o al cine o tomar un caf(e).A 1, esto le enoloquece. A1= :(

por lo tanto llego a la siguiente ecuaci(o)n : N(o)M = A1 = :)

tengo que ir a israel: porque no es posible que tenga un novio judío y no vea todo lo que me ha contado y saboree el houmous mmm
a pakistan: a visitar a seemab y mona
a india: porque va a ir maya ys e va a quedar ahi por 1 año y media solamente y es el (u)nico contacto que tengo que me recibir(i)a en su casa para el efecto total ambiente familiar al que busco conocer.
a china porque esta debby all(a) y por lo mismo
a jap(o)n porque siempre ha sido mi sueño
a alaka, russia,iceland o algo sumamente fr(i)o , sumamente blanco y sumamente vasto.
a australia....
a syria.....

que hago? de d(o)nde saco m(a)s tiempo, dinero ???

Thursday, December 27, 2007

her last moments

Benazir bhutto assasinated

The former Pakistan prime minister Benazir Bhutto was killed today after a suicide bomb attack as she left a public rally. Here are some of the key events in her career:
April 4 1979: Bhutto's father, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, is executed for the murder of a political opponent, two years after he was ousted as prime minister in a military coup.

April 10 1986: Bhutto returns from exile in London to lead the Pakistan People's party that her father founded.

Article continues


December 1 1988: Bhutto, aged 35, becomes the first female prime minister of a Muslim nation after winning parliamentary elections.
August 6 1990: President Ghulam Ishaq Khan dismisses Bhutto's government, citing corruption and a failure to control ethnic violence.

October 19 1993: Bhutto takes the oath for a second term as prime minister.

November 5 1996: President Farooq Leghari dismisses Bhutto's second administration amid accusations of nepotism and undermining the justice system.

April 14 1999: A court finds Bhutto guilty of corruption while she is out of the country. The conviction is later quashed, but Bhutto remains in exile.

October 5 2007: President General Pervez Musharraf signs a corruption amnesty covering other cases against Bhutto, opening the way for her return and a possible power-sharing agreement.

October 18 2007: Bhutto flies in to Karachi, where tens of thousands of supporters give her a rousing welcome amid tight security. Two bombs go off near her vehicle. More than 140 people are killed in the assassination attempt.

December 27 2007: Bhutto dies after a suicide bomb attack in Rawalpindi.

The British foreign secretary, David Miliband, called for "restraint but also unity" as he expressed his shock at Bhutto's death.

"All those committed to a stable future for Pakistan will condemn without qualification all violence perpetrated against innocent people," he said. "In targeting Benazir Bhutto extremist groups have in their sights all those committed to democratic processes in Pakistan. They cannot and must not succeed."

Malik, Bhutto's security adviser, questioned the adequacy of protection for Bhutto.

"We repeatedly informed the government to provide her proper security and appropriate equipment including jammers, but they paid no heed to our requests," he said.

It appears the Musharraf government had been considering ways to strengthen her security, and it forced Bhutto's PPP to cancel a rally in Rawalpindi in November due to security fears.

Today's Rawalpindi rally only went ahead after hundreds of riot police had set up security checkpoints. Rawalpindi is a so-called garrison city and popularly regarded as one of the most secure cities in Pakistan.

On Bhutto's return to the country in October after eight years in exile, a local Taliban leader threatened to unleash a series of suicide attacks.

Although today's attacks bore the hallmarks of Islamist opponents to the moderate Bhutto, critics attacked Musharraf.

In Rawalpindi, grieving supporters tore down the posters of Musharraf's ruling party and attacked police, who fled from the scene. Angry supporters also took to the streets in Peshawar, while in Karachi shop owners quickly closed for business as activists from Bhutto's party burned tyres on the roads.

The assassination came two months after more than 140 people were killed when suicide bombers struck a parade celebrating Bhutto's return from exile in the southern city of Karachi.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


derrepente me llegan grandes deseos de cocinar durante horas y horas no se porque. sera que quiero llenar algun vacio interno con la cocina? esta raro. el otro dia aparte de preparar algunas cosas para la cena de navidad se me ocurrio de golpe hacer una mermelada de toronja y un pan....

ultimamente me gusta mucho hacer pan .... el pasado fue de romero con pasitas.... me parece encantador ( si , encantador es la palabra que buscaba en mi mente para describirlo) golpear la masa del pan para desinflarlo antes de meterlo al horno... y hay algo casi maternal acerca de ver tus panecitos crecer en el horno y se ponen dorados...

pd.- para la mermelada de toronja ( tambien la hice con mandarina y limon) lo que haces es picar la cascara de los citricos sin la pielecita blanca que tiene por dentro... esa lo hace amargo. se debe de pellar entonces la fruta quitar la piel blanca por adentro de la cascara, y picar esta finita finita se agrega junto con el jugo y la carne de lo citricos sin las membranas y bastante azucar y un vaso grande de agua o dos ... a fuego lento por 2 hrs....

Monday, December 24, 2007

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

interruptions magazine, amman jordan yeay!!!!

Khaled Sedki – Founder / Editor-In-Chief
Dina Khawaldeh – Writer / Editor
Darya Tarawneh – Art Section Editor / Writer
Ronza Smeirat – Film Section Editor / Writer
Michel al Banaa – Contributor / Writer

Paola de la Concha Zindel – Contributor / Writer
Jeeda Hakim – Contributor / Psychological Patterns
Shamel Daghestani – Writer / JU Representator
Suleiman al Hadidi – Writer / JU Representator

AshrafKafaween – Industrial Design Section
Ali Mosleh – Industrial Design Section
Hadi Alaa'Din – Industrial Design Section

Academic Spine
Dr Rami Daher; AUB – Academic Patron
Dr Natheer Abu Obeid; JUST – Contributor / Consultancy
Arch Mazen Nabulsi;JUST – Colsultancy
Dr Ali Maher; RFC – Contributor / Writer

OUT AND SELLING! 12/01/20070 Comments and its finally out! whats been merely a dream just few months ago is now being reviewed by some of the region's best architects and echoing around a generation of interruptionists! every individual support has delivered us here and every obstacle whether 'natural'or 'man-made'has fueled us with more energy and more passion to continue- the contributors.. from paola to jeeda to michel, suleiman and shamel to nader, mai and dina h.
our academic patron dr rami daher and those great supporters as ali maher and dr natheer and finally our small team, darya, dina kh. , ronza and myself khaled each one of us had the amount of faith, a little bigger amount of craziness and probably a small amount of stupidity perhaps some of us more than others! and we're finally here.. thanks to each one of you guys.. our 'Power'issue is out.. perhaps the power Ruskin spoke off is the one that made this happen.

INTERRUPTIONS | POWER: SEMINARS + DISTRIBUTION 11/17/20072 Comments So the 'baby' will be out during the upcoming week and we'll be presenting seminars at multiple architectural campuses in Jordan the following week- the seminars would introduce the project as well as its future strategy and lans- copies would be soldafter the seminars at each campus and then there would be constant distributors to each campus and specific selling points.

most issues would be distributed in Architectural campuses in Jordan, some will be sent to library archives Some would be sent to Syrian architectural campuses as well as library archives of the Syrian University and the American University of Beirut.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

yopa cafe

cosas que no me pesan tanto pagar.

1.una rica cena con vino
2. un buen chai
3. un buen concierto
4. un buen libro
5. un queso rico

creaciones hermosas de julia y renata: when structure becomes feminine

why do the answers to some questions dont simply arrive out of the blue?
why do i feel this way?
is happiness something that is found usually or not?
how can you weigh happiness?
would my happiness be heavy if ic ould weigh it?
how come i cant be satisfied at all at times, and the be extremely satisfied with virtually nothing?
why does telefunka think they are so cool, when actually they arent that cool?
why do i feel the need to post these stupid questions?
and why do it english?

Thursday, December 13, 2007


la tesis de denisse cardenas: yo el otro y la reinvencion se pressentara esta semana jueves a las 6pm y viernes a las 6pm y otra funcion a las 8 en la casa 7 de la zona residencial de la udla zona C. interesados diganme por este medio para que les parte su lugar ya que solo 15 personas max pueden entrar por funcion, se trata de un esfuerzo colectivo multidiciplinario que culmina con la danza contemporanea. hay 9 personas que les presntaran 9 mundos diferentes...

little plants that grow from wooden floors

Thursday, December 6, 2007

dispair? is it truly.?? nah ..dont exagerate.

i truly detest knowing that sometimes i talk way to much. the worst bit is when you know you cant avoid it, or actually cant or wont shut up or change towards silence and then some pissant comes along and remarks how extremely talkative you are in the most patronizing voice.

these accusations_: that which are true, and acutely enlarge that which you are trying to change about yourself .....

result in an appalling ice cold shot of hard core tequila up the arse.( osea por lo tanto) in a horrible feeling of dispair.