Monday, August 27, 2007

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


1./ siempre quise ser una chica de bollywood de esas que participan en coreografias complejas en saris naranjas y joyeria dorada.
2./ estoy poniendome contenta
3./ creo que nunca me quedare siempre en un lugar, pero creo que contigo si.

Monday, August 20, 2007

colectivo tomate> performance buap

aca estan las nenorras que disene para el polideportivo de la buap gracias ania,denzel,roxy ,lula,maria,gaby..

asi hacen las mojarras

Thursday, August 16, 2007

puto el que no comente

if yyou ould take just 5 ingredients to a deserted island to eat them for hte rest of your life what would they be???

Thursday, August 9, 2007

im feeling kinda shaggy, not so cute and very very very tired of missing you.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

recomendation> shes only happy in the sun, ben harper

know you may not want to see meOn your way down from the cloudsWould you hear me if I told youThat my heart is with you nowShe's only happy in the sunShe's only happy in the sunDid you find what you were after?The pain and the laughter brought you to your kneesBut if the sun sets you free, sets you freeYou'll be free indeed, IndeedShe's only happy in the sunShe's only happy in the sunEvery time I hear you laughing, I hear you laughingIt makes me cryLike the story of life, of your lifeIs hello, goodbyeShes only happy in the sunShes only happy in the sun

que rica rica rola

Friday, August 3, 2007

great discovery!

MEXICO CITY - Mexican archaeologists using ground-penetrating radar have detected underground chambers they believe contain the remains of Emperor Ahuizotl, who ruled the Aztecs when Columbus landed in the New World. It would be the first tomb of an Aztec ruler ever found.

The find could provide an extraordinary window into Aztec civilization at its apogee. Ahuizotl (ah-WEE-zoh-tuhl), an empire-builder who extended the Aztecs' reach as far as Guatemala, was the last emperor to complete his rule before the Spanish Conquest.
Accounts written by Spanish priests suggest the area was used by the Aztecs to cremate and bury their rulers. But no tomb of an Aztec ruler has ever been found, in part because the Spanish conquerors built their own city atop the Aztec's ceremonial center, leaving behind colonial structures too historically valuable to remove for excavations.
One of those colonial buildings was so damaged in a 1985 earthquake that it had to be torn down, eventually giving experts their first chance to examine the site off Mexico City's Zocalo plaza, between the Metropolitan Cathedral and the ruins of the Templo Mayor pyramid.
Archaeologists told The Associated Press that they have located what appears to be a six-foot-by-six-foot entryway into the tomb about 15 feet below ground. The passage is filled with water, rocks and mud, forcing workers to dig delicately while suspended from slings. Pumps work to keep the water level down.
"We are doing it very, very slowly ... because the responsibility is very great and we want to register everything," said Leonardo Lopez Lujan, the lead government archaeologist on the project. "It's a totally new situation for us, and we don't know exactly what it will be like down there."
As early as this fall, they hope to enter the inner chambers — a damp, low-ceilinged space — and discover the ashes of Ahuizotl, who was likely cremated on a funeral pyre in 1502.
By that time, Columbus had already landed in the New World. But the Aztecs' first contact with Europeans came 17 years later, in 1519, when Hernan Cortes and his band of conquistadors marched into the Mexico Valley and took hostage Ahuizotl's successor, his nephew Montezuma.
Ahuizotl's son Cuauhtemoc (kwow-TAY-mock) took over from Montezuma and led the last resistance to the Spaniards in the battle for Mexico City in 1521. He was later taken prisoner and killed. Like Montezuma, his burial place is unknown.
Because no Aztec royal tomb has ever been found, the archaeologists are literally digging into the unknown. Radar indicates the tomb has up to four chambers, and scientists think they will find a constellation of elaborate offerings to the gods on the floor.
"He must have been buried with solemn ceremony and rich offerings, like vases, ornaments ... and certainly some objects he personally used," said Luis Alberto Martos, director of archaeological studies at Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History.
The tomb's curse — water — may also be its blessing. Lopez Lujan said the constant temperature of the pH-neutral water in the flooded chambers, together with the lack of oxygen, discourages decomposition of materials like wood and bone that have been found at other digs around the pyramid, which was all but destroyed in the Conquest.
"This would be quite an important find for Aztec archaeology," said Michael Smith, an archaeologist at Arizona State University who is not connected to the dig. "It would be tremendously important because it would be direct information about kingship, burial and the empire that is difficult to come by otherwise."
All signs found so far point to Ahuizotl. The site lies directly below a huge, recently discovered stone monolith carved with a representation of Tlaltecuhtli (tlahl-tay-KOO-tlee), the Aztec god of the earth.
Depicted as a woman with huge claws and a stream of blood flowing into her mouth as she squats to give birth, Tlaltecuhtli was believed to devour the dead and then give them new life. The god was so fearsome that Aztecs normally buried her depictions face down in the earth. However, this one is face-up.
In the claw of her right foot, the god holds a rabbit and 10 dots, indicating the date "10 Rabbit" — 1502, the year of Ahuizotl's death.
"Our hypothesis is precisely that this is probably the tomb of Ahuizotl," Lopez Lujan said.
Any artifacts linked to Ahuizotl would bring tremendous pride to Mexico. The country has sought unsuccessfully to recover Aztec artifacts like the feather-adorned "shield of Ahuizotl" and the "Montezuma headdress" from the Ethnology Museum in Vienna, Austria.
"Imagine it — this wasn't just any high-ranking man. The Aztecs were the most powerful society of their time before the arrival of the Spaniards," Martos said. "That's why Ahuizotl's tomb down there is so important."

Thursday, August 2, 2007

cara valente maria rita

Não, ele não vai mais dobrarPode até se acostumarEle vai viver sozinhoDesaprendeu a dividirFoi escolher o mal-me-querEntre o amor de uma mulherE as certezas do caminhoEle não pôde se entregarE agora vai ter de pagar com o coração, olha láEle não é felizSempre dizQue é do tipo cara valenteMas, veja sóA gente sabeEsse humor é coisa de um rapazQue sem ter proteçãoFoi se esconder atrásDa cara de vilãoEntão, não faz assim, rapazNão bota esse cartazA gente não cai, nãoÊ! Ê!Ele não é de nadaOiá!!!Essa cara amarradaÉ sóUm jeito de viver na piorÊ! Ê!Ele não é de nadaOiá!!!Essa cara amarradaÉ sóUm jeito de viver nesse mundo de mágoasEle não é de nada



1.fur, nicole kidman and robert downey jr.
2.aplicarte esmalte con olor a coco en las unas durante semaforos largos
3.cara valente, maria rita
4.queso panela con oregano y aceite de olivo asado m m m!

de la serie de mis pasos, brasil


el barco, camila age 4

i just a compelling movie called fur, it was beautiful.sometimes the word beautiful is just about enough.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

from the guardian, wonderful wonderful news

Lottery winner's double delightAgenciesWednesday August 1, 2007Guardian Unlimited
For most, a bout of absentmindedness usually means getting locked out of the house or forgetting an umbrella - but for Derek Ladner it has meant winning almost £1m.
Mr Ladner and his wife, Dawn, played their usual numbers during a midweek national lottery draw on July 11, and they won, along with four other tickets, to share the £2.4m pot.
But when Mr Ladner, of Cornwall, found an identical ticket in his pocket a week later, he realised he had entered twice, doubling his winnings.

mi papa esta obsesionado con borges (Retomado de cafe bagdad)

Palabra de Borges
Varios escritores jóvenes se reúnen con Borges en su departamento de la calle Maipú. Todos lo escuchan como se escucha a un oráculo . Sin embargo, uno de ellos sorprende por su narcisimo literario que lo conduce, siempre, a citar sus propias obras. "A mí siempre me han interesado temas que usted supo tocar en sus libros . Por ejemplo, los espejos y los sueños -dice- . Es más, estoy escribiendo un cuento en el cual mi madre, que murió hace diez años, me saluda en un sueño desde adentro de un espejo."
Borges pierde la paciencia.
- Su madre murió hace diez años? -pregunta-. ¿y lo saludaba desde adentro de un espejo?
Después de una pausa, impiadoso, Borges comenta:
-Que atenta su madre.
Adolfo Bioy Casares
he comprobado que a veces, si a veces cuando quieres algo con mucho furor, se cumple, a veces mi cabeza quiere explotar de tanto que quiero saber conocer aprender, y derrepente se me presenta un espacio, rico de calma, un espacio sereno que me invita a sentarme y tomarme una infusi(o)n frutal, y ent(o)nces me siento. me siento y me la tomo con (e)l. ese espacio. normamente escojemos un balcon, con vista al mar. y ah(i) lo (u)nico que se hace es suspirar y sorber.suspirar y sorber............